Practitioner Training
‘The Missing Link’
Integrating somatic therapy approaches for clinical practice and preventing burnout
There are two ‘Missing Link’ trainings:
A 20 hour APS approved Level 1 training
a 16 hour, Level 2 deep-dive workshop style training
Both levels are facilitated in Australia, over 3 days each, as well as in Bali over 5 or 4 days respectively as a retreat-style training.
Do you feel that there is something missing from your practice?
As Therapists and ‘space holders’, we have often had to ‘soldier on, especially through the pandemic and it’s aftermath, to provide a service for our clients when we ourselves were depleted and exhausted and sometimes towards the edge of (or beyond!) our own ‘Window of Tolerance’.
Do you sometimes find that your clients get ‘stuck’ at a certain point in therapy?
Do you find yourself working really hard to try get your clients to make changes?
Are you feeling exhausted and in need of some nourishment yourself?
This course could be what you’re looking for!

About These Trainings:
Within psychology, the body and even emotion, has tended to be sidelined with a focus on the thinking mind, in line with current cultural values. However, this can result in the shoring up of old, previously necessary, but ultimately limiting, avoidance mechanisms, so that authentic change does not occur, when used exclusively.
It can also lead to ‘stuckness’ in therapy and burn out in professionals who experience the limits of the traditional paradigm, when faced with clients who may have addressed a symptom, and come to ‘understand’ why they feel and behave the ways they do, but still can’t seem to change how they feel, and find themselves in repeating patterns of behaviour and familiar challenges in relationship.
Developments within the field of trauma therapy and research have begun to place, front and centre, the body, including our nervous system and our emotions, both as a container of trauma, and as a means to heal and re-connect with our ‘true selves’, our truth, our values and our uniqueness.
Through the integration of somatic approaches in psychological therapy, and learning to listen to the language of the body, deeper and more profound healing and growth can occur within our clients and ourselves.
Face to face trainings offer a safe, nurturing context to really embody these approaches. The courses involve only a small amount of structured, didactic teaching and will not suit those who prefer this way of learning. While there is a ‘teaching’ component, the majority of the focus is on experiential practice, discursive and reflective processes, which support embodying somatic work.
Learning objectives, Level 1:
Upon completion of this training, participants should be able to:
recognise the impact of trauma on their clients’ minds, psyche and bodies,
implement techniques from established somatic psychology theories and approaches to address their client’s body-mind,
distinguish, through experiential methods, the difference between ‘being with, with compassion’ and ‘fixing’,
identify work-related beliefs and attitudes that protect against burn-out
utilise somatic exercises to use in therapeutic settings and to develop a more compassionate relationship with our own embodied selves.
Following the Level 1 course:
You will:
Be ready to weave somatic tools and principles into your usual clinical practice.
Have methods to access the unconscious processes that keep our clients stuck, and to facilitate quickly moving through barriers.
Know the science of somatic work; the functioning of our nervous systems, the impact of trauma, and how somatic approaches can address this directly.
Be able to use the traditional approaches of top-down processing (mind to body) as well as bottom-up processing (body to mind), so that your practice is holistic and complete.
Be freed up to support your clients in a way that gives them agency and self-responsibility.
Learn ways of working with dissociation and overwhelm in the therapy room.
Have tools to support yourself in your own life and to manage the impact of your work on your own body and mind.
Feel part of a growing community of like minded practitioners as this relatively new field expands in Australia, as it has in the USA and Europe.

Level 1 and Level 2
Level 1:
Level 1 is the foundational course.
In this 20 hour in-person course, you will learn how to begin to integrate somatic awareness practices into your usual evidence-based clinical practice, tapping into what is held in the body; trauma, emotion, deep wisdom and the ability to heal and re-discover wholeness.
This course is open to Psychologists, Social Workers, Therapists, Counsellors and anyone working with people in a healing or caring capacity.
If choosing to learn on retreat, the training is run over 5 mornings of learning, with free time in the afternoons and evenings, and in Australia, over 3 days.
Level 1 is APS CPD Approved for 20 hours.
Level 2:
In this workshop-style training, you will receive 16 hours of CPD, deepening your knowledge of somatic work, to support your clients and address and prevent burnout.
Level 2 affords the opportunity to dive deeper into somatic work, to have more time and space for personal and case discussions and to explore challenges, such as dissociation, the impact of powerful transference and counter transference dynamics.
Research in the field of Epigenetics has shown that much of what we carry and struggle with in our systems and what shapes our perception and subsequent experience, is related to what our parents and ancestors endured and the ways available to them to manage their experience. In Level 2 we explore powerful ways of understanding and healing intergenerational trauma, and what we and/ or our clients may carry within our systems that don’t originate in us.
On retreat, this training is run over 4 mornings and in Australia, over 3 days.
Level 2 is for participants who have completed Level 1 and can be completed immediately (where available) or at a later date and offers 16 hours of CPD.
Where is the training delivered?
‘The Missing Link’ Level 1 and Level 2 are delivered as a face to face training, both in Australia, and in Bali (as a retreat style course)
To view available dates and locations, please head to the Bookings page.
Testimonials From Previous Participants